If you use blogger to build a website or blog you have a problem that you can’t upload your PDF file to your blogger based website.This is the tutorial for you that how can you upload or show a PDF embed file in your blogger based website.
When we open blogger’s post editor box we can’t see their the button of uploading the PDF file.We see only image video and link uploading options.
So if you want to upload your PDF file openly in your blogger’s page or post do as below.First of all when you want to upload embed PDF file that visitors of your website can see it as open PDF file on the post page or blogger page ,upload a PDF file in your Google drive. Then set the sharing option on public and set it as anyone on the internet with this link can view.

Select the page or new post option from your blogger toolbar then select HTML view instead of compose view. Then just copy the iframe code given below and paste it on your new post editor space.
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"><br />
<br />
<iframe src="" width="300" height="200"></iframe>
<br />
After pasting above iframe code on bloggers post editor do as below.

After the src= and Between the inverted commas you should paste the URL of your PDF file from Google drive that you want to show open in your new post’s page.

In The link of pdf file from google drive given above ,write word”preview” before “view?usp=sharing” and delete the words”view?usp=sharing”

Then publish your new post page and see the PDF file that it will open on your new post’s page. visitors can read your PDF file on your new post’s page also they can download easily by taping the arrow button that given on the right top corner of PDF file.See sample.You can adjest width and height according to your theme in above iframe code.